The Bargara State School Music programs involve approximately a quarter of the school each year, including Choir, String and Band groups.
The school Senior Choir rehearses weekly, and is privileged to perform at the Bargara ANZAC Dawn Service each year, as well as school and community events throughout the year. 2019 hopes to see a Junior Choir join our Music program as well - watch this space!
Instrumental program
The Instrumental Program includes:
Ensemble rehearsals (before school), with groups lessons also throughout the designated lesson day.
Concert band
Rehearsals (before school), with group lessons also throughout the designated lesson day.
Participation in the programs requires a music levy of $20 per year, per student, and $30 for hire of a school instrument if needed.
Instrumental groups participate in school assemblies and performances, intra-school workshops, eisteddfods and other local events.
For more information, please
contact the school office.